The Senior-Junior Forum, a department of the Woman’s Forum, was formed in 1934. The organization founded the Northside Girls Club and continued to support it through 1985 to benefit the community. Since its inception, members have provided volunteer hours and/or financial support for several worthwhile local charities. Successful fundraisers throughout the years have included everything from horse shows to theatrical productions. Currently, the major fundraiser, the Red River Wine & Beer Festival, is in its sixteenth year. In 2009 we celebrated our 75th Anniversary.
Tax Deductible
The organization has been granted 501(c)3 non-profit status by the Internal Revenue Service and all donations are tax deductible. Net proceeds from the Red River Wine & Beer Festival will be donated to the local charitable organizations supported by the Senior-Junior Forum.
2025 Beneficiaries
Senior-Junior Forum members volunteer their time as well as provide financial assistance to local non-profit agencies. The primary beneficiaries for the 2025 Red River Wine & Beer Festival will be:
The Arc of Wichita County
Beacon Lighthouse for the Blind
The Kitchen
Midwestern State University & Vernon College scholarships
Wichita Falls Area Food Bank
Whispers of Hope
Patsy's House
Wichita County Heritage Society - Kell House Museum
The Arts Council
2025 Red River Wine & Beer Festival Committee
Co-Chairs Tammy Marlow & Sonja Oliver
Executive Advisors Debra Burnett
Secretary Tammy Young
Treasurer/Purchasing Tina Linn
Decorations Lisa Kipp & Sherri Chandler
Entertainment Beth Bullinger
Favorites/Hydration Station/Info Booth Vicki McCarty
Vendors Jadine Buckley
Corks & Forks Tagan Couch
Publicity Lindsay Morton
Signs Tiffany Seel
Raffle Trudi Pittman &Tracy Poore
Sponsorship Cindy Wynne & Lyn Kitchens
Tickets Colleen James & Christina Bennett
Volunteer Coordinator Tari Cummings & Ladelle Schmalzried
Wine Holding Susann Halverson & Roma Martin
Wine Runners Sarah Wood
Ice Runners Casey Hunter
Wine / Beer / Spirits Deana Albert